Michael was born in New York, New York to a broken home. It wasn't an easy beginning, but it made him stronger. As a young adult, he attended Valley Forge Military College in Wayne, PA where he rose through the ranks to become Cadet First Lieutenant and Regimental Infantry Adjunct. He graduated
in 2008 with degrees in Military History and International Relations. Since then he has worked in numerous industries from the airlines to retail, to healthcare. When he finds the time he works on his writings and hopes to one day become a successful writer and content creator.
Favorite Quote: "Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Favorite Movie(s): The Lord of the Rings, United 93, Starship Troopers, The Fifth Element, and the Harry Potter Saga
Favorite Author(s): John Ringo, Max Brooks, J.D. Salinger
Favorite Verse: Psalm 133
Thank you for visiting SC Online. This site and all of its content are a work of love for me. I first started working on what I would later call "Shattered Citadel," around 1998 when I was a child. It was escapism and a way for me to put my feelings to paper. The SC story has undergone many revisions and reworks as I've grown into an adult, but thematically it has stayed consistent. The stories I write deal with the best and worst aspects of humanity and the flawed nature of our species. I am optimistic that the future will bring great things for mankind, but SC is also a warning, an exaggeration of my fears. A world where the Free World has lost its will to defend itself and it becomes easy prey to those that would destroy her. I strive hard to be entertaining and due to that fact I tend to forego realism. It is science fiction! I try to ground my stories in reality, but if I feel that a story/lore would be more helped if I make the enemies overpowered or add some new element. My main focus is to make enjoyable content that has a subtle message that hopefully helps avoid a bad future.
Due to real life commitments I write and make content when I can. Sometimes I make a lot of stuff at once, more often I'd go a couple of months without anything new. Please forgive me.
Thank you for following my work and viewing my site.
- Michael R Mangual